The SanityPrompt

This blog represents some small and occasional efforts to add a note of sanity to discussions of politics and policy. This blog best viewed with Internet Explorer @ 1024x768

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

NPR : Celebrating Stoner's Day

From NPR's Morning Edition: Celebrating Stoner's Day

Morning Edition, April 20, 2005

Every April 20, groups of teens gather to smoke marijuana to mark Four-Twenty, or Stoner's Day. But author and commentator David Marcus says parents shouldn't get mad. Rather, they should use this day as a reason to talk to their kids about what's going on in their lives. Marcus is author of What It Takes To Pull Me Through: Why Teenagers Get in Trouble and How Four of Them Got Out."

You can listen to David Marcus's excellent commentary here.

Marcus speaks more sense about our youth today and what we as a society are doing to fail them than you will hear in 10 hours of useless TV punditry. We need folks like him to brief political candidates, so that rather than speaking in dry policy prescriptions (anyone hear John Kerry droning on?), they can connect with voters in a way that resonates with them and captures the reality of their lives. If the economy wasn't making it difficult for families to make ends meet without both parents working full time, often more than 40 hours a week, then perhaps they might have more of a sense about what their teenagers are doing when adults aren't around. Marcus refers to teen culture as a youth tribe -- and given the absence of adults in this world it's an apt description.