We''ll We Proved You Could Fool the Press and the Public in Iraq, Why not NOLA?
Daily Kos: Operation "Save Bush's Skin": Now Curbing the Press?
Daily KOS picks up this report that FEMA has turned media turcks away from Jefferson Parish in an attempt to prevent pictures being broadcast of body recovery. Well if you can stop folks from seeing the coffins arrive Dover why not just practice this everywhere. The grounds for this supposed policy are mystifying. That the media haven't kicked up a hell storm and cried cover up is a greater mystery. What country is this?
Daily KOS picks up this report that FEMA has turned media turcks away from Jefferson Parish in an attempt to prevent pictures being broadcast of body recovery. Well if you can stop folks from seeing the coffins arrive Dover why not just practice this everywhere. The grounds for this supposed policy are mystifying. That the media haven't kicked up a hell storm and cried cover up is a greater mystery. What country is this?
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