The SanityPrompt

This blog represents some small and occasional efforts to add a note of sanity to discussions of politics and policy. This blog best viewed with Internet Explorer @ 1024x768

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Skimping on Disaster Preparedness

Does anyone else wonder why we have been using sports arenas as refugee centers? Why doesn't the government have the capability to set up large scale refugee centers in the event we need to evacuate a major city? Wasn't that something we were supposed to have learned after 9/11?

War and Piece comments on this::

"...'I fear the worst is yet to come,' said Jennifer Leaning, a Harvard University public health professor who is helping with the Red Cross relief coordination. 'No refugee population in the world lives like this. There is a vast need for at least a little personal privacy. The sanitation problems, disease, and civil unrest will grow. To think that we can house people in the open in these vast shelters like the Superdome and the Astrodome for more than a couple weeks is delusional.'"

My bet is that it was deemed too expensive and so someone came up with the bright idea we can just house folks in whatever is available.