The SanityPrompt

This blog represents some small and occasional efforts to add a note of sanity to discussions of politics and policy. This blog best viewed with Internet Explorer @ 1024x768

Monday, July 18, 2005

Yet Another Argument for TABOR Reform

A pol released this weekend showed a tight race over Referenda C &D -- the twin efforts to reform Colorado's Taxpayer's Bill of Rights - or TABOR. 43-for, 42-oppposed and 15 undecided. I have to say I am surprised since the case for reform is so compelling. State services are stretched to the breaking point. That has become clear in higher education. But here is another example of how much has been 'trimmed' from the state sector:

Tap-water worries - News -

"Colorado's system to oversee the safety of drinking water is significantly understaffed, threatening the integrity of a program designed to protect public health, a federal report says.The Environmental Protection Agency, in a review of the state health department's drinking water program, repeatedly warned that staffing levels far below national standards spread supervisors too thin and could delay important new regulatory initiatives.

'The drinking water program must be able to respond to . . . emergencies, maintain (its) basic program and be able to move the program forward in a comprehensive manner to . . . ensure the safety of drinking water,' the report said. 'The current level of resources simply does not make this possible, and this course of action is not without its risks to the public health.'"