The SanityPrompt

This blog represents some small and occasional efforts to add a note of sanity to discussions of politics and policy. This blog best viewed with Internet Explorer @ 1024x768

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Are these folks petty or what?

The Toronto Globe and Mail reports today that Condoleeza Rice has called off her Ottawa trip after the supposed missile defence snub. The Canadians' faux pas? Their decision to not participate in the missile defense shield proposed by Bush and his Administration.

"The move by Ms. Rice is the most public note of disapproval to come from the Bush administration since Prime Minister Paul Martin made his decision known late last week. To make sure that the slight was understood, a White House official told an Associated Press reporter that the cancelled trip was the direct result of Mr. Martin's decision."

How to Win Friends and Influence People, 2nd Edition, by Geroge Bush